Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Canada's Housing Bubble

Last week, a very interesting report called 6th Annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey was released by Demographia. If you have been listening to the show, you know that I believe the Canadian real estate market is in a bubble. This report points out that on average, median house price of 3.0 time median household income.

Here is a chart I found on Mish's blog:

Notice that cities in BC make up the top of the list, Vancouver actually tops it. Toronto is further down the list at 5.1 (anything over 5.1 is considered severely unaffordable).

Canadians have made the same mistakes as the Americans have. First, low-interest rates(under what the market would have set) have created the fuel for the bubble. Second, CMHC has been buying low-grade mortgages, Canadian version of the GSEs (Government sponsored entities) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, packaging them up and selling them on the market as guaranteed MBS (mortgage backed securities). This allows the banks to have fresh capital to lend more money, without the risk of past loans.

A perfect storm is now about to hit the Canadian housing market:

  • the Olympics will be over in a few weeks and that will, I believe, burst the bubble in BC with supply pouring onto the market,
  • Canadians are at 145% debt for income, and they are beginning to get worried,
  • and long-term interest rates will probably start moving up because of long-term concerns over Canada's total debt vs GDP.

Unfortunately, we have painted ourselves into a corner and some pain is the only way out.

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