Friday, March 19, 2010

Links for Friday, March 19, 2010

Links for today's show

Marc Faber: Don't Expect Another Crash ... Bernanke Won't Allow it
Yahoo Finance

Lehman bosses used accountancy gimmick to cover up debt
Times Online

Shipping Indices Highlight a Potential Commodities Sell Off

The $2 Trillion Hole

Can Ottawa tame its deficit beast?

House prices on verge of double dip

Bank of England warns of 'considerable uncertainty' over jobs

Dylan Ratigan Show

Lehman Bankruptcy Report: Top Officials Manipulated Balance Sheets, JPMorgan And Citi Contributed To Collapse
Huffington Post

Why the sun looks poised to set on Japan's era of cheap government debt

New from the 1930's

Selling Of Treasuries Continues By China And Japan As UK, Oil Exporter, Hedge Fund Holdings Jump
Zero Hedge

Michael Lewis Discusses Wall Street's Neverending Mass Delusions
Zero Hedge

Former President Of Just Failed Park Avenue Bank Arrested On Bank Bribery, Embezzlement And Fraud Charges
Zero Hedge

More Empty Posturing Out Of Moody's - Rating Agency Once Again Threatens With US Downgrade
Zero Hedge

NAHB Builder Confidence Drops To June 2009 Levels, Winter Snowfall Blamed As Usual
Zero Hedge

Still no money for Prichard pensioners

Europe's banks brace for UK debt crisis

German bloc plays tough on Greece

Britain warns China against protectionism

SocGen: There Is No Way Out Of This Mess But Continued Massive Deleveraging
Business Insider

David Rosenberg: You Think Housing Is Recovering? Check Out These Charts
Business Insider

There's Deep Fraud On Wall Street, And Goldman's Behavior In Greece Is Just The Tip
Business Insider

NJ Seeks to Skip $3 Billion Pension Payment

Pension Pulse

China in Midst of ‘Greatest Bubble in History,’ Rickards Says

The proposed EU Greek bail-out cannot simply bypass German law

ECB's Juergen Stark Warns Of "Clear Risk Of Sovereign Debt Crisis," Cautions Recovery Largely Due To Massive Support By Governments And Central Banks
Zero Hedge

Strategic Defaults Are Soaring In California, And Now They Might Really Explode

Business Insider

Lehman’s Desperate Housewives
Vanity Fair

Guest Post: More Evidence that Banks Create Credit Out of Thin Air
Naked Capitalism

Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan, UBS Are Charged With Fraud

Shipping Market Worst Since World War II, Fisher Says

Now Bernanke Wants To Eliminate Reserve Requirements Completely
Business Insider

Greece Gives Germany And European Union One Week Ultimatum (No, You Are Not Dyslexic)
Zero Hedge

Marc Faber: We Have a New Gold Standard

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